Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
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Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (FSUSD) Online Registration allows you to quickly start the process of registering a student for school online. This process is currently only available for students who have never attended a school in FSUSD. If you are not able to complete the registration online, you may visit the school office to complete the registration packet in person. Please call your school of attendance to verify registration hours.

There are 5 steps involved with the Online Registration process: 

  1. Child(ren) must be a current FSUSD resident and physically residing in the home.
  2. Obtain a login via your personal email address.
  3. Complete the Internet Registration documents online.
  4. The school will contact you with either a final confirmation or a correction request.
  5. After registering a new student, you will have the option to re-use certain information to register a sibling.
Scanned documents can now be uploaded as part of the online registration process.


Registration is not complete until you have uploaded the following documents (or delivered them personally to the school office) and have received a registration confirmation directly from your School Office Representative:
Scanned documents can now be uploaded as part of the online registration process.
  1. Your printed registration forms
  2. Two different forms of proof of residency
  3. Copy of birth record, birth certificate, baptism certificate, passport, or affidavit from the parent, guardian, or custodian of the student
  4. Current immunization record


To register a new student (a student who has never attended a Fairfield-Suisun Unified School) you will need the information listed below. It is recommended that you have this information available before starting the online registration. However, you may begin the registration process, save what you have entered, and return to your file at a later time to complete the online registration.

  • A valid address within the boundaries of the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District.
  • General information about your student.
  • Name, address and district of previous school (if applicable).
  • Parent/Guardian’s home/work phone and address.
  • Name and phone number of emergency contacts.
  • Immunization information.
  • Local physician name and phone number


To register a new student, click the "Enroll a New Student" button below. If you started a registration earlier and need to finish, click the "Login" button and enter your email address and password to access your pending registration.

*Kindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten

  • KINDERGARTEN ELIGIBILITY: Children must turn age 5 before or on September 1st of the current school year, to qualify for Kindergarten placement.

  • TRANSITIONAL KINDERGARTEN ELIGIBILITY: Children turning 5 after the 9/1 Kindergarten cutoff date, with birth dates between September 2nd and June 2nd, are "state qualified" to register for "TK" with immediate placement at the beginning of the school year. The parent understands this is a two year Kinder program with TK in the first year, then Kindergarten in the next year.

  • Both Kindergarten and "California state qualified" TK are to register online and at their school of residence.

  • Based upon the number of registered students, on or before June 1st of the previous ending school year, TK classes at some schools may be collapsed and those families will be offered the opportunity of an alternate school within the district, with the understanding that transportation will not be provided.

*Student Overflow Information
  • Due to high numbers of students registered into each grade, there is the possibility that a late-registered student could be temporarily "overflowed" to a school outside of their own assigned resident zone school if the grade is at capacity.
  • The Overflow procedure takes place according to Board Policy 5116 under School Attendance Boundaries, which states, "the Superintendent or designee may place some students in a school outside of their attendance area in order to alleviate overcrowding."
  • Parents/guardians of students who are determined to be overflowed shall be notified of the location of the new school as soon as possible after their registration process has been completed.
  • If available, transportation shall be provided for such students.
  • The District understands that this Overflow transition may be difficult for some parents and students. Please be assured that your child's educational needs as well as their safety are the District’s number one priority.
  • As space becomes available again at the resident zone school, the parent/guardian will be contacted with the option to have their student return. The parent/guardian may also choose for them to remain at the overflowed school for the remainder of the school year, with the understanding that the student will automatically roll back to their resident zone school at the beginning of the next school year.
  • For questions, please contact 399-5000, Elementary Education Dept.